As of October 17, 2018, marijuana is legal across Canada. Adults can now buy and use marijuana for both medical and recreational use. Stores will pop up in every province for people to buy marijuana strains, tinctures, and other cannabis products. It’s also extremely easy now to buy marijuana online in Canada. However, there are still some important Canadian marijuana laws you need to take heed of.
Anyone aged 19 or over will be able to get their hands on weed legally. However, there are still some restrictions on how much you can carry, where you can smoke it, and whether you can grow it. Laws vary from province-to-province, although most provinces follow some of the same general rules. Here’s a guide to Canadian Marijuana Laws in 2019.
Legal Age To Buy Marijuana in Canada
While it’s legal to buy marijuana in Canada, there are still age restrictions. While the Canadian government set a recommended legal age of 18, each province sets its own rules on who can buy weed.
In most provinces, you’ll need to be 19 years of age or above to buy marijuana. The same applies to using it. This also applies to all marijuana products, such as tinctures, oils, and concentrates.
The two exceptions are Alberta and Quebec. These provinces allow you to buy and use marijuana from the age of 18.
The same rules apply on who you can give weed to. While you can share weed with other friends of legal age, you must not provide marijuana to minors. There are still very strict rules against this and it is punishable by law.
Marijuana Possession Limits in Canada
You can buy marijuana in all kinds of ways, but there are limits on how much you can carry. The Canadian government set a possession limit of 30 grams of dried cannabis. This applies to all provinces and territories.
Canadian cannabis laws also set possession limits for different kinds of cannabis products. These are as follows:
- 150 grams of fresh cannabis
- 450 grams of edible product
- 2100 grams (4.62 pounds) of liquid product
- 7.5 grams of concentrates (solid or liquid)
- 30 cannabis plant seeds
Possession limits can vary for those with a medical prescription for marijuana. Health Canada states that medical patients can possess up to an extra 150 grams of dried cannabis.
It’s also worth noting that, while these limits apply to public possession, you can keep as much cannabis as you want at home. Many users choose to order marijuana online to stock up in high amounts. However, make sure you keep your marijuana and related products locked away safely and out of reach of children.
Marijuana Growing Laws in Canada
The new Canada cannabis laws also make it legal for people to grow their own marijuana. You can buy cannabis seeds and plant and grow them either indoors or outdoors at home. However, certain restrictions still apply.
Most provinces allow you to grow up to four active plants at a time. There are two notable exceptions. Growing is still fully illegal in Quebec and Manitoba. If you live in these provinces, you must not grow any of your own. Nunavut allows territories to set their own rules on growing, but it will likely still be illegal for many residents.
When you grow your own marijuana, you must also keep it safe and out of public view. This means you can not grow it on your front lawn. Some provinces, such as New Brunswick, also require you to keep your outdoor plants within a locked enclosure. When you grow indoors, you also need to keep your marijuana plants safe and out of reach of children.

Where Can You Smoke Weed In Canada?
There are also certain restrictions on where you can smoke marijuana in Canada. These can vary from province to province. For instance, some provinces allow you to smoke cannabis wherever tobacco smoking is allowed.
All provinces allow you to smoke in private residents and properties. In other words, you can use marijuana at your house or friends houses. Landlords can place restrictions on smoking or growing on their properties, so if you rent an apartment you may need to be wary of the landlord’s rules.
In some provinces, such as Quebec, BC, Alberta, and Nova Scotia, you can smoke in certain public places where tobacco is permitted providing there are no children present. For instance, in the Northwest Territories, you can smoke on roads, trails, and parks providing there are no children or ongoing events.
We may see more public spaces to smoke weed as time goes on. For instance, some provinces plan to license recreational cannabis lounges and cafes in the future. For now, it’s best to stick to private places and check on your local laws to check whether you can legally use marijuana in public.
Where Can You Buy Weed In Canada?
Where you can buy weed also varies between provinces. Alberta has already licensed many cannabis stores across the province, making it easy for residents to find legal weed. Other provinces only have a few stores open, whereas others sell marijuana in liquor stores.
More stores will open up over time, but many users may currently find it hard to find marijuana locally. However, buying online is legal for everyone in Canada. This makes it easy and convenient to get weed delivered.
BudExpressNow offers delivery of cannabis strains, concentrates, and vape products across the country. All you need to do is sign up, provide proof of age, and order as much as you want. Every order is sent in discreet packaging so no one knows what you’re getting delivered.
Providing you take heed of public possession and smoking laws and don’t sell marijuana, you should have no legal issues with marijuana in Canada. The new laws are very liberal and allow adults all across the country to buy and enjoy cannabis in many ways. If you can’t find a marijuana store near you, you can buy marijuana online for delivery straight to your doorstep and start enjoying it for medical or recreational use.